(any brand) 6818A
Real-Time Clock
dateVendor ID
1057 C0DE 10C3 1099
dateDevice ID

Also known as:

  • Motorola MC146818A
  • Samsung KS82C6818A
  • Unknown HM6818A


Main difference between variants:

  • 6818A (this one): pin 1 is MOT (bus type), pin 16 is STBY
  • 6818: pin 1 and 16 are not connected (unused)

From Mototrola datasheet:

The MC146818A Real-Time Clock plus RAM is a peripheral device which includes the unique MOTEL concept for use with various microprocessors, microcomputers, and larger computers. This part combines three unique features: a complete time-of-day clock with alarm and one hundred year calendar, a programmable periodic interrupt and square-wave generator, and 50 bytes of low-power static RAM. The MC146818AFN uses high-speed CMOS technology to interface with 1MHz processor busses, while consuming very little power.

The Real-Time Clock plus RAM has two distinct uses. First, it is designed as a battery powered CMOS part (in an otherwise NMOS/TTL system) including all the common battery backed-up functions such as RAM, time, and calendar. Secondly, the MC146818A may be used with a CMOS microprocessor to relieve the software of the timekeeping workload and to extend the available RAM of an MPU such as the MC146805E2


  • Low-Power, High-Speed, High-Density CMOS
  • Internal Time Base and Oscillator
  • Counts Seconds, Minutes, and Hours of the Day
  • Counts Days of the Week, Date, Month, and Year
  • 3 V to 6 V Operation
  • Time Base Input Options: 4.194304 MHz, 1.048576 MHz, or 32,768 kHz
  • Time Base Oscillator for Parallel Resonant Crystals
  • 40 to 200 uW Typical Operating Power at Low Frequency Time Base
  • 4.0 to 20 mW Typical Operating Power at High Frequency Time Base
  • Binary or BCD Representation of Time, Calendar, and Alarm
  • 12- or 24-Hour Clock with AM and PM in 12-Hour Mode
  • Daylight Savings Time Option
  • Automatic End of Month Recognition
  • Automatic Leap Year Compensation
  • Microprocessor Bus Compatible
  • Selectable Between Motorola and Competitor Bus Timing
  • Multiplexed Bus for Pin Efficiency
  • Interfaced with Software as 64 RAM Locations
  • 14 Bytes of Clock and Control Registers
  • 50 Bytes of General Purpose RAM
  • Status Bit Indicates Data Integrity
  • Bus Compatible Interrupt Signals (IRQ)
  • Three Interrupts are Separately Software Maskable and Testable
    • Time-of-Day Alarm, Once-per-Second to Once-per-Day
    • Periodic Rates from 30.5 us to 500 ms
    • End-of-Clock Update Cycle
  • Programmable Square-Wave Output Signal
  • Clock Output May Be Used as Microprocessor Clock Input
    • At Time Base Frequency /1 or /4
Last updated 2024-05-16T11:20:43Z
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doc 1 chip document available
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