Audio files (most recent first)
2 operation(s)
  • Audio file#118 has been inserted by Arnold0

    Attribute Old value New value
    file_name null 7850av-65db97d841f5e960844143.mp3
    id null 118
    name null Spin up and Seek test
    storageDevice null App\Entity\HardDrive#208
  • Audio file#119 has been inserted by Arnold0

    Attribute Old value New value
    file_name null 7850av-boot-win95-65db97d842f62117798058.mp3
    id null 119
    name null Booting Windows 95
    storageDevice null App\Entity\HardDrive#208

Hard drives (most recent first)
8 operation(s)

Storage device docs (most recent first)
1 operation(s)
  • Storage device doc#221 has been inserted by Arnold0

    Attribute Old value New value
    file_name null 7850av-65db97d8442f5077560596.pdf
    id null 221
    language null App\Entity\Language#1
    link_name null Specifications and jumper settings
    storageDevice null App\Entity\HardDrive#208
    updated_at null 2024-02-25 19:41:12

Storage device images (most recent first)
3 operation(s)
  • Storage device image#718 has been inserted by Arnold0

    Attribute Old value New value
    creditor null App\Entity\Creditor#795
    file_name null img-4153-65db97d844a93380123227.jpg
    id null 718
    storageDevice null App\Entity\HardDrive#208
    type null 2
    updated_at null 2024-02-25 19:41:12
  • Storage device image#719 has been inserted by Arnold0

    Attribute Old value New value
    creditor null App\Entity\Creditor#795
    file_name null img-4154-65db97d845cd9342140152.jpg
    id null 719
    storageDevice null App\Entity\HardDrive#208
    type null 5
    updated_at null 2024-02-25 19:41:12
  • Storage device image#720 has been inserted by Arnold0

    Attribute Old value New value
    creditor null App\Entity\Creditor#795
    file_name null img-4155-65db97d846c29346880975.jpg
    id null 720
    storageDevice null App\Entity\HardDrive#208
    type null 3
    updated_at null 2024-02-25 19:41:12