Motherboard docs (most recent first)
7 operation(s)
  • Motherboard doc#19575 has been updated by evasive

    Attribute Old value New value
    link_name User Manual User Manual rev B1
  • Motherboard doc#23153 has been inserted by evasive

    Attribute Old value New value
    file_name null az11ea-a0-eng-65b54cf8af5f1842315318.pdf
    id null 23153
    language null App\Entity\Language#1
    link_name null User Manual rev A0
    motherboard null App\Entity\Motherboard#16214
    updated_at null 2024-01-27 19:35:36
  • Motherboard doc#23154 has been inserted by evasive

    Attribute Old value New value
    file_name null az11ea-65b54cf8b1961591436616.pdf
    id null 23154
    language null App\Entity\Language#1
    link_name null CPU support
    motherboard null App\Entity\Motherboard#16214
    updated_at null 2024-01-27 19:35:36
  • Motherboard doc#23155 has been inserted by evasive

    Attribute Old value New value
    file_name null comp-az11ea-pcb10-awd-65b54cf8b1d64510296597.pdf
    id null 23155
    language null App\Entity\Language#1
    link_name null Compatibility report PCB1.0
    motherboard null App\Entity\Motherboard#16214
    updated_at null 2024-01-27 19:35:36
  • Motherboard doc#23156 has been inserted by evasive

    Attribute Old value New value
    file_name null comp-az11ea-pcb21-65b54cf8b22ac354405523.pdf
    id null 23156
    language null App\Entity\Language#1
    link_name null Compatibility report PCB2.1
    motherboard null App\Entity\Motherboard#16214
    updated_at null 2024-01-27 19:35:36
  • Motherboard doc#23157 has been inserted by evasive

    Attribute Old value New value
    file_name null az11ea-pcb10-cd-in-and-aux-in-65b54cf8b2b89169843651.pdf
    id null 23157
    language null App\Entity\Language#1
    link_name null CD IN and AUX connector pinout PCB1.0
    motherboard null App\Entity\Motherboard#16214
    updated_at null 2024-01-27 19:35:36
  • Motherboard doc#23158 has been inserted by evasive

    Attribute Old value New value
    file_name null az11ea-pcb21-cd-in-and-aux-in-65b54cf8b311e408970709.pdf
    id null 23158
    language null App\Entity\Language#1
    link_name null CD IN and AUX connector pinout PCB2.1
    motherboard null App\Entity\Motherboard#16214
    updated_at null 2024-01-27 19:35:36

Motherboards (most recent first)
6 operation(s)