CPU sockets (most recent first)
2 operation(s)

Expansion chips (most recent first)
4 operation(s)

Motherboards (most recent first)
22 operation(s)

Motherboard BIOSes (most recent first)
1 operation(s)
  • Motherboard BIOS#48807 has been inserted by fireTwoOneNine

    Attribute Old value New value
    boardVersion null ?
    coreVersion null 286 PLUS 3.10
    file_name null jaton-jam-super-at-v5-65cac9f551176307881839.zip
    id null 48807
    manufacturer null Phoenix
    motherboard null App\Entity\Motherboard#18946
    postString null JATON SUPER 286 SYSTEM 2
    updated_at null 2024-02-13 01:46:29

Motherboard expansion slots (most recent first)
2 operation(s)

Motherboard images (most recent first)
2 operation(s)
  • Motherboard image#36901 has been inserted by fireTwoOneNine

    Attribute Old value New value
    creditor null App\Entity\Creditor#387
    description null shown with SIMM RAM slots and CR2032 mod
    file_name null img-7678-65cac9f5529dc404036125.jpg
    id null 36901
    motherboard null App\Entity\Motherboard#18946
    motherboardImageType null App\Entity\MotherboardImageType#2
    updated_at null 2024-02-13 01:46:29
  • Motherboard image#36902 has been inserted by fireTwoOneNine

    Attribute Old value New value
    creditor null App\Entity\Creditor#387
    file_name null img-7679-65cac9f554840509857894.jpg
    id null 36902
    motherboard null App\Entity\Motherboard#18946
    motherboardImageType null App\Entity\MotherboardImageType#3
    updated_at null 2024-02-13 01:46:29

Motherboard I/O ports (most recent first)
1 operation(s)

Motherboard RAM sizes (most recent first)
1 operation(s)

PSU connectors (most recent first)
1 operation(s)